True Nature Wellness

"Warm Your Heart" with Yoga and Live Cello
with Emily Kuzmick

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

February 16 (Sunday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Rescheduled for new date: February 16, 2025

February is "American Heart Month".   
The Yoga-Heart Connection: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Yoga relaxes the body and mind.  Emotional stress can cause a cascade of physical effects including elevated cortisol, narrowing of arteries and increased blood pressure.  Yoga connecting breath with movement can offset stress.   Yoga may not only lower blood pressure but may lower cholesterol . blood sugar, and resting heart rate.

Yoga can improve flexibility, muscle strength and balance.   This is a great counter balance to vigorous aerobic exercise.

Join Emily and Joe for and evening that will "Warm Your Heart"