True Nature Wellness

Spring Cleanse with Ayurveda
with Valerie Parker and Carey Schlett

April 2 (Wednesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

spots left
This is a Five Day cleanse with  Intro and Closing.   it is a gentle Ayurveda Spring cleanse based on a mono diet of kitchari, a complete protein made with mung beans and rice.   you may find yourself physically exhausted or emotionally taxed at times this is normal.   it is advised that you clear your schedule and plan for stillness and rest.

It Includes:
Kitchari, Ayurveda's traditional cleansing food.   A complete protein that is easy to digest and meant to keep you satisfied and never feel hungry.
Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditiation
Community Check-in emails, and classes
Self-care guides and resources including abhyanga, tongue scraping, oil pulling and more.

Optional private consultation


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