True Nature Wellness

Restorative Yoga
with Johnnie Leonhardt

October 15 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Restorative yoga is a gentle passive yoga style that aims to promote relaxation and stress reduction along with healing an unhealthy or injured body. 

Appropriate for all levels, it makes use of yoga props such as blankets, bolsters and blocks. These will be provided at the studio or you may bring your own, 

Class will be the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm

Each class will incorporate common poses and have additional focus on problem areas.

October 15 “ Be kind to your behind”
A class focused on lower back and hips to release tension, gently stretch muscles to increase flexibility.

November 19 “ Prep the digest for Turkey Day”
A class focused on freeing up stagnation in the abdomen, creating space in your spine and calming the nervous system.

December 17 “ Dessert Yoga”
A class focused on 4 poses to soothe holiday stress.


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